Color Argument |
The color argument specifies a color to apply, such as a surface color or a light source color. The given color can either be specified as one of many preset word values or as a "raw" hexadecimal representation giving the red/green/blue component values (the same format as used for the "BGCOLOR=" tag in HTML).
Where supported, the optional bcolor argument specifies an additional background color. The default sign color scheme is white text on a blue background.
When used with the light command, if a corona is attached to the same object it will automatically be tinted the same color as the light.
create color red
create sign "Warning!" color=red bcolor=yellow
activate color name=water blue
create light color=orange fx=fire
activate light type=spot color=blue name=ceiling pitch=45
create rotate 1, light type=spot color=8000FF brightness=3 fx=blink time=20 pitch=90
create light color=red brightness=3 fx=pulse time=5, corona halo size=50