Adding a new world

Adding a new world to an existing Active Worlds Server is easy. In the administration utility, bring up the "Add New World" dialog box by selecting Add new world... from the Server menu:

To add a new world, simply fill out the fields and press OK. After adding a world, you will probably want to either reset the world to its defaults if it is brand new world, or else upload existing property data to it.


This is the name of your world, as provided to you when you purchased your world. The case of the name as you enter it in this field will control how it appears in the world list within the Active Worlds Browser.


This is the password of your world, also provided to you at the time of purchase. It serves to identify you as the legitimate owner of the license for this world.


This is the name of an optional object registry file for this world. Most worlds do not use registries. Registry files should be stored on the server machine in the same folder as the other database files.


These are the citizen numbers of one or more authorized caretakers for this world. Caretakers are citizens who can change the various features and rights in your world. Be sure to include your own citizen number in this field if you want to be able to change these options!


This flag controls whether the world is running or stopped. An enabled world starts immediately after it is added, and again automatically every time the world server is restarted. Disabled worlds can still be manipulated from the administration utility, but they aren't running and thus cannot be accessed by users.